Friday, March 14, 2008


I am turning 51 tomorrow.... there's not much that I can say except for my deepest gratitude to the Almighty for giving me the time, hence the opportunity to make the best of my life. Thank God for giving me my family who is always there whenever I need them which means all the time, for giving me a decent job from which I can earn my living and share whatever little I have with some of the needy, for giving me my parents from whom I learnt a lot about life and the time beyond now, for giving me my friends who are there to challenge and support me, for making me everything that I am now ...

God, You know that I don't have sufficient vocabulary to express all that I am feeling inside ... yet, in a single word it is 'thanks' ....

1 comment:

Rizal said...

To my favorite teacher, who taught me how to pronounce the word "determine" properly, happy birthday! And welcome aboard to the blogsphere :-).